It’s a matter of time (or lack thereof, to be honest). My eldest has multiple AP and Honors courses and already has 6 hours or more of homework per weekday (and sometimes more on weekends). Her full time job is to be an honors student. My younger one isn’t in high school yet so she has more time. However, she spends more of her time doing chores and supporting my husband’s office (scanning receipts, doing laundry). Both still have light chores (laundry, ironing, loading and unloading the dishwasher, and picking up dog poop from our 2 large dogs) but I don’t expect them to mop, scrub toilets, or dust. We have the money to outsource the heavy cleaning so they can do easier chores and focus on maintaining their 4.0 (and higher) GPAs. I think many upper class families have a similar approach as we know our kids are too privileged to gain admission to college without outstanding grades (and we aren’t the 1% who can donate a few million dollars to guarantee admission like Jared Kushner’s parents).