This story really resonated with. me. While we aren't Scandinavian, we ended up buying a bank-owned home (which my husband likes to call a cabin even though it's just a house!) near his favorite lake eight years ago. It's absolutely become our "escape" from real life on the weekends we go there.
He has always loved "getting off the grid" to go fishing. I happily followed because I read a few books while he fished all weekend. Once we had kids, that became harder but then we'd rent a house near a lake, he'd fish in the morning before the baby/toddler woke up and then he'd take over when he returned before lunch so I could get a break. It worked well!
Now our "cabin" has so many more memories. The girls learned to shoot rifles and shotguns there, archery, zip-line (a very small one we bought off Amazon and set up ourselves), build "villages" in the grassy hills with flowers and other plants, and all sorts of other outdoor fun. I truly hope we can hold onto it as a family cabin for generations!